Website Recovery Case Study


Mid Market Healthcare


SEO, Penalty Recovery, Link Outreach, Content Marketing


This website had suffered from ‘too many cooks in the kitchen’ syndrome, and had over 10 SEOs work on it over the years. As a result of some questionable tactics, it suffered complete traffic loss due to Penguin and Panda penalties. With a comprehensive SEO and content strategy, we worked to build new links, restructure some of the URLs, add new content and the site not only recovered, but exceeded all expectations, getting 500k visitors per month and becoming a top site in its vertical.

Website Recovery Case Study

Wow – We have never seen performance like this from anyone else we have worked with!

Mike K

SEO Manager, Undisclosed

achieved goals

Measurable Results


Organic Traffic Growth

The traffic growth on this site was immense and provided the company with (a lot) more earned revenue each month, reducing their dependence on paid traffic.

Monthly Organic Traffic

Reaching this monthly traffic number put this site ahead of all competitors in this particular vertical, making it the preeminent site for various high value keywords.

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